- Hoses and clamps
- Hose couplings
- Metal valves
- PVC pipes
- PVC fittings
- PVC ball valves
- PVC knife-gate valves
- PVC butterfly valves
- PVC-Verschraubungen
- PVC cement and cleaner
- PE pipes for pp screw connections
- PP fittings
- PP clamp saddles
- DVGW-PP screw connections
- PE pipes for welding fittings
- PP screw connections
- Pipe clamps
- PVC check valves
- PE weld fittings
- Fittings system Speedfit
- Metal fittings
- Agricultural engineering
- Vacuum pumps
- Cleaning engineering
Filter products
IBC adapter
S 60 x 6
one side female thread, other side male thread
Product number:
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